Products are generally shipped within 24 Hrs of receiving the orders (except Sundays). Following are the indicative timelines from the day of shipping:
Metros and Mini Metros: 1-3 Days
Other Cities: 2-4 Days
North East States: 5-7 Days
Always be ready with the TYR Alliance Mesh Equipment Bag.
Engineered for lightweight use, the LBD2 is the perfect carryall for hauling wet swimsuits or bulky training gear. With a front identification patch and adjustable crossbody strap, this bag ensures both secure storage and easy transport.
Dimensions: 28" H x 27" W (71cm x 66cm) (75 Liters)
An ideal choice for workouts and practices, the TYR Alliance Mesh Equipment Bag is incredibly breathable and showcases a mesh and polyester construction.